Software Testing etc.

Friday, October 28, 2005

How important is Load Testing?

Load testing is often overlooked and left up to customers, or put off till after a product is released. If you are working on a project that will likely have a large number of simultaneous users or concurrent connections, load testing is probably very important. There is value to both common load testing approaches of creating an in-house tool and using pre-made tools. Unless you are running a fairly standard web application or something similar it will probably be necessary to create your own tools for at least parts of the load testing process. IT Jugle outlines some of the questions you should answer about your project and the load it will need to handle.

See the IT Jungle article on load testing

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Companies not testing software properly says LogicaCMG

More than two-thirds of European IT managers believe that products are launched with insufficient testing, according to a survey commissioned by LogicaCMG.

Read the article

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Conventional Software Testing on an Extreme Programming Team

For a conventional software tester, an Extreme Programming project may be an intimidating challenge. Testers often find that they're not welcome on XP projects, but Jonathan Kohl shares how skilled testing can overcome such difficulties. Jonathan discusses lessons he learned from working on two different XP project teams, only one of which initially welcomed his testing and feedback.

Read the article

Software testing

This blog will be covering topics on software testing and tools used for software testing. Some articles will relate to open source testing tools although information will not be specific to any type of tools or tools for any specific platform.

I feel that in many respects testing and what software testers do is undervalued. I also feel that there is great room for improvement in many of the tools used by software testers. I will try to explore these issues in the coming articles, as well as find other resources that are valuable to the respect of software testing.